The Man From Snowy River does not come from Detroit

In response to Southerly:

While I haven’t written about a suburb in Sydney, I do commend this article from Southerly’s blog. Specificity in writing is crucial. Part of the reason I set my fictions in certain real or historical places is because I’m somehow exploring what they mean to me. And if they mean something to me, perhaps I can give these meanings some kind of greater significance for potential readers, even if they’ve never heard of the places I’m trying to describe. They aren’t famous. Some of them are reasonably remote. But I do want to get the details correct. It’s why I emailed a government wetland ecologist from South Australia the other day (thanks again). Because perhaps the local, individual, even factual, lends credence to the entirely imaginary.

Also, they use more words;)

NaNoWriMo World Count: 16,500 (a bit behind).

The Man From Snowy River does not come from Detroit

by Felicity Castagna The writer John Gardner famously said that there are only two plots in fiction—a person goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town. What he’s essentially pointing to here is…

Source: The Man From Snowy River does not come from Detroit

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